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IMPORTANCE OF SILENCE IN YOUR LIFE            We often might  have heard the saying , " Speech is silver but Silence is Golden." Yes, guys this so true and very much relateable to the situations which we come across in our Day to day life . Silence is never empty, it's always full of Answers.             We all some times get so carried away in our hectic schedules and our daily life that we forget that what's the main purpose of what we are trying to do. " Isn't it important to know that what exactly we want ? ". The most important thing is that in this chaos, we must know that where we are heading towards in life . To know this it becomes very much necessary that we give sometime to ourselves to find the answer. The answer always lies within us whereas we keep searching it outside. The first step to find your calling or to find any solution to your problem is to have a calm and peaceful mind. Here, I m not telling you to go for a long break or reside i
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DIRECTION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR EFFORTS.                             You all might have heard that Direction is more important than Speed. But, it just doesn't stops here. Direction is required even in your efforts and in your Life. You can imagine your life without direction. I am sure that it will sound you completely  like an Nightmare!!. It's just like a person who is on his journey without a Road map. Eventually, He will never reach his destination. The same happens with us most of the times.                            We all know, Life is all about Choices. Most importantly, making correct choices at the Right Time. Timing in your Life really plays an important role. You might make correct choices in your life but, if your timing is not Good then it won't fetch you any Results!!. It's more kind of similar to an cricket shot. You can see sometimes a Batsman despite hitting the ball so hard is unable to clear the fence due to the improper timing. Whereas, in c


  HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN PRESENT MOMENT?                                                                             Our world around us has been changing very fast. Most of the solutions which we found yesterday are no longer the solutions of Today. Definitely, they are nowhere going to contribute towards tomorrow's Problmes too. Technology is changing every Day.It seems like every year passing by is a Next Generation.    We trying to adapt ourselves to the change have forgotten the Most important thing in life  that is   " How to  Live your Life in present moment?".                            Today is a Gift given to all of us. That's the reason we call it Present. So, If we all are not living our Life in the present, it simply means that we are ignoring this beautiful gift.Well, that's not a good sign though.  "What is the main Problem due to which we are not able to live our life in the present?".             


THE STORY OF ICC WORLD CUP-2019.   Welcome everyone Once again!! Today, I am Bringing something new for all of You from the Rest of my Blogs. I assure you that you all will get to learn something new today that will help you in your Future Life Endeavors. Before getting started, Do visit my most Important blog on   Topic - HOW TO STOP OVERTHINKING                                Okay, Let's get started Guys!!You all might have watched the Final World Cup-2019 match between England and New Zealand. Yes," What an amazing Match it was!!". I m not telling just because we all love Cricket. But, There was so much to learn from that Match. It was a complete High Voltage Drama.                                               The final Match was all set to happen. New Zealand team had just beaten INDIA to make there way to the Finals. They were very much deserving to win the World Cup. But as they say, CRICKET and LIFE both have one thing common in them


ONE  STOP SOLUTION TO OVERTHINKING                                                                                                   Welcome Guys !! Today's Topic is going to play an very important Role in your life. I Myself Personally don't want you to miss this. Yes, I have decided to write on this topic as I have noticed that this is very much  the need of the Hour!! . Before Getting started I have just one question for all of You. What Is that One Simple thing which makes Your  life Intresting ? You all might be having your own answers for this. It's Okay here. No Offence!! But, If you ask me, I would say the answer is " PROBLEMS". Yes!! My dear Friends it is the Problems that we face in life which actually gives meaning to our life and  help us in shaping our lives for the Better. Without Problems life is  meaningless.  So, Where are we going Wrong ?? To Tackle any kind of situation or the problem, i


Turn Your Weakness Into Strengths    Welcome guys,  Well Before getting started with our New topic , I want you to check my previous beautiful article on the Topic - Importance of Small things in Life . If you have not visited, Do check it once!! Hmm, I hope you all are enjoying your beautiful journey on my blog and not missing  to learn something New.  Today, we are going to discuss about the Strengths and Weaknesses. Yes, you heard it Right!! We all have strengths and weaknesses both within us. We must always focus on our strength and try to get rid of our weaknesses by trying to Master  over them . But, there can be some cases where you can't do anything about your weakness . So, in that case You must always try to work on your Strengths so that your weaknesses don't come between your Goals.  Let me tell you a beautiful story ! This will give you an best example of - HOW TO TURN YOUR BIGGEST WEAKNESS INTO STRENGTH?? There was


THE TASTELESS SOUP There are a lot of small things which we don't pay attention to in our day to day life. We can learn a lot from them if we are able to observe them carefully.From years you have been  developing some habits knowingly or unknowingly which are not good for you. The worst part  of them is that you don't even know that how they can turn your cards against you. We all know that " Action speaks louder than words". but how well can we relate this with our  lives. Let's take an example.  Suppose, You want to know about someone without  having any conversation with them.   " WHAT FACTORS WILL YOU TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION??".  Especially, when the person  is sitting  Right  in Front  of You and  You  Don't have  any kind  of information regarding them. . Guys, the first thing you gonna observe is his body language. Yes, my dear friends. Your body language speaks a lot about you. No wonder why we  are told that whenever we face any intervie


THE SECRET OF CONCENTRATION                                 All your life you have heard it right that to achieve anything that you want in life you need to have a strong focus on your goal . We often say, " Concentration on your goal is very important " .I think we all  know this very well, But today I m going to tell you much more about Concentration. I will try to make you understand," What is concentration all about ?". " How to achieve that kind of concentration which will not require any kind of Push or effort!!! Yes enough of the motivation that you search to get yourself concentrated on your Goal.                                   So, Now I want you to join me here leaving all  your work aside and be with me to experience the amazing journey of the Secret to concentration. Hmm, I hope your all ready and excited for this. Let's Get Started now. There was a student who wanted to learn the skill of Archery from his master.


HOW TO THINK LESS AND THINK RIGHT??!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Life is easy. Life can be always stable and everyone's life can be perfect Every Time ...! Now you might find this strange and even it might be difficult for many of you to digest this But this is the TRUTH my dear Readers. Okay, Now I want you to just relax and pay attention to your life Problems. Whatever problems you might be  facing at this point of life.. Just relax and try to observe them. You will see any kind of problem like  Health, Study, Business,Family or Relationships which you need to Fulfil. You will find that its YOU yourself