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Archery, Concentration, Aim, Goal, Target, Arrow

                                All your life you have heard it right that to achieve anything that you want in life you need to have a strong focus on your goal . We often say," Concentration on your goal is very important ".I think we all  know this very well, But today I m going to tell you much more about Concentration. I will try to make you understand," What is concentration all about ?". " How to achieve that kind of concentration which will not require any kind of Push or effort!!! Yes enough of the motivation that you search to get yourself concentrated on your Goal.


                         So, Now I want you to join me here leaving all  your work aside and be with me to experience the amazing journey of the Secret to concentration. Hmm, I hope your all ready and excited for this. Let's Get Started now.There was a student who wanted to learn the skill of Archery from his master. So, One day he expressed his desire to his master that he wanted to master the skill of Archery. The master agreed but given that he will have to follow all his conditions and completely surrender himself to learn. The training began and many years passed by but there was no progress in student . Due, to this the student was very upset and disturbed. One day he went to his master and said," Master, I want to give up as I m not able to learn despite such a long time has passed. To this the Master replied," Sometimes your Goal can't be measured in Time, then may it be days,months or even years . You need to have patience. The student agreed and he decided that now he won't worry about the time and would completely focus on his practice. The technique of the Master was also quite an extreme kind of test. In his starting years, the master only taught him how to hold his Bow and pay attention towards his breathing. He never let him to shoot on his aim. The student with all his faith and might stood firm on his decision and kept Practicing. Despite, seeing no improvement the student kept coming everyday for the Practice. The journey of  great test of patience and faith was on its way. Suddenly After a year Master called the student for the test. It was the D-day where years of training and the relation between Student and master was going to be tested. The stage and the crowd was all set and the Student successfully completed all his Tasks. The Master said ," Now your trained and you no longer need me ".   


                     So what happened that the student made it through. One day during his training period the master told him that the Problem is with your thinking. The more you try to be focused on your Goal, the more difficult it gets for you. The student stayed Numb at that time as he didn't understand that what the master was trying to say. As the student thought, "What is wrong in trying to be focused on our goal?". The master understood his problem and he said," Target is not your Problem, Your thinking towards the Target is the Problem. I See the target in such a way that I don't see the Target". The great Philosophical words of the Master made the student ask," This means you can shoot the target even with Blind fold on your eyes. That night , the student and the master went in the training hall. What happened there was enough to change the life of the student. It was all dark there. The master picked up his bow and arrow and took Three arrows to shoot. The student was just seeing all this and was waiting to watch something which he had never witnessed. The master blind folded himself and shoot all the arrows back to back. Zipped... The sound of arrows as they were released one after the other. The lights were off. The master asked the student to ON the lights. To his surprise all the Three arrows were on the Target. That day the student believed in his Master.              

                           What the master wanted to say was that Everything is Aiming. Your aim on the target is just same as you Walk, as you Stand, as you Breathe,as you hold the bow and arrow and most importantly How you see it as the Target.This condition is something in which your mind is completely alert. I mean to say that being alert is the Nature of the mind and you don't require any kind of External force to achieve this. The master was trying to say the same thing to his student that Don't you look your Target as a Goal . The first thing is to always relax. When you see your Target,your mind must be Empty. There must not be any thought of even achieving the target or the Target itself.  You can simply call it as remaining mind or mind Relaxed with awareness.

              I Myself can share you an incidence where I was giving my online exam Paper and it was Time bounded one . It was 100 marks paper with 60 minutes. There were 3 Sections . So, I entered the exam hall early and was well in time. But there was some Technical problem in my PC and it was taking quite a lot time to get started. So, I started to panic and was really tensed. Well, the problem was sorted just in time and as soon as I sat on my Chair the paper started . I tried to calm myself and managed to complete the First section in Time. Well in the Second section things were not that easy and I was thinking that I have lost this one as I could sense the panic had affected me in some way. Then believe me Guys I just Started focusing On my Breath and tried to get my self in relaxed state as I was reading the question. In few minutes, I was in such an Calm state of mind that I can't Express in words. It was completely Silent. The atmosphere changed and i went on scoring 90.25/100 marks in that Paper. This was just an incident which I experienced in my life . However, If possible I will soon bring my another blog about What all I achieved and How I Aced in other exams and all my academic achievements and much more. 

  Last but not the least I think by this story and my Life Experience you understood the Secret of Concentration. I wish and hope you achieve all that you want and stay Grounded. Do reach out to me and express your views and keep supporting me as your doing. So,  I can bring much more for You....Do Check here



  1. Really awesome blog by you.....thank u ...and keep posting blog.

  2. Really appreciated

  3. Affected* not effected

  4. Outstanding ����

  5. Complete Justice to Topic
    It remembers me Arjuna Story in Mahabharat.
    The key to concentration can be done by calm mind

  6. Potraited so beautifully!
    Patience, positive thinking, full concentration is what we need to achieve our goals. Panicking is not a solution but to overcome it within no time is all we have to do. Your experience will inspire a lot of us.

  7. Well said...concentration is the important factor for every kind of situation. One may practice a lot throughout his/her preparation time but if he/she loses concentration in the battle ground then everything will go in vain.

  8. Wah aakash bhai gajab aise hi aache acche article dalta jaa i m with u bhai your friend #avinash

  9. Bro... Big thinks are waiting for you... You are one for the future..... Keep it up.....!!!!

  10. Every time I read ur blogs it felts mesmerizing..!!
    Well done 👌 keep it up 👍 More to come from u 😉😊 I am totally agree with ur thoughts that it should be part of our daily routine..As if we owned it already just we have to deliver!!

  11. That incident same thing happened with me different way
    I reached late to the exM centre and PC was not starting
    I got panicked and lost the exam
    But I worked on it
    I need to work the same thing while giving mains examination
    I'll def work on it.
    Keep up the good writing..

  12. Thank you for the motivational words. Well said


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